Terms and Conditions


Will/Won’t Draw



Work Flow

Copyright and Usage


By commissioning me, you agree to the following terms of service. These terms may be subject to change at any time.

When requesting a commission, it is extremely helpful to provide reference images for the character you want me to draw. This can be real life pictures or your own reference sheets. They do not have to be perfect! Just as long as they get the idea across. If not, a detailed description is the next best thing. In addition, please include the type of commission, the canvas size, and any other specs you want when contacting me.

I reserve the right to decline any commission for any reason.

Will Draw

* Animals

* Monsters

* Humanoids

* Body Horror

* Mild Gore

Won’t Draw


* Hateful Art

* Mechas

My rate is currently $25 per hour, but prices may be subject to change depending on demand or as my skillset improves.

The base prices I list are to give an idea of the amount I will charge per type of work.

Once details are discussed, I will give you a quote and estimate for how many hours of work your commission will require.

Depending on the complexity of your commission, its completion time and price may exceed the price range listed.

Any additional fees that occur due to increased scope will be discussed and invoiced separately after the initial quote. I will not send out the final piece until the additional invoice is paid for.

All commissions must be paid upfront in full via Paypal to nuktia.art@gmail.com.

Payment plans can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

I only accept payment in U.S. Dollars (USD).

When we agree upon a payment plan, I will create an invoice, which will be due within 48 hours.

I will not begin the commission until the invoice is paid.

If payment isn’t received within the required timeframe, the commission will be canceled.

Turnaround time is usually 1 – 2 weeks, but can take longer depending on the type of commission. Full color illustrations can take 3+ weeks to complete, for example. If you have a deadline, please let me know as soon as possible.


Once payment is received, I will begin on the thumbnail stage if the commission calls for it. Usually lower priced work does not require excessive thumbnailing. This is a rough brainstorm period to determine the composition, colors, and pose of the character before proceeding to the actual sketch. I will send between 2 – 8 thumbnails once they are done, and you can decide which thumbnail you like most.


The chosen thumbnail will be translated to an official sketch, which will be sent to you in low res for your approval. If there are any additional changes that you would like to be made, this is the best stage to do so. Any changes beyond this point result in more hours spent on the piece and a higher final price than initially quoted.

Work in Progress

I will send around 2 – 4 work in progress shots at low resolution every several days or so to update you. I do not mind the occasional check-in, but please do not email me every day asking about your commission’s status.

If we have agreed to a payment plan, I will not release the full resolution materials until the remaining amount is paid in full.


You will receive the completed commission, the works in progress, the sketch, and thumbnails at full resolution with my signature on them.

You can use the commissioned work for any personal purposes such as your own icon, header, wallpaper, etc. with proper credit.

You cannot reproduce any materials of the commission for commercial use or profit unless you have purchased the commercial rights from me.

If you want to repost the commission online, you may only share the completed commission. The final commission may not be altered in any way and descriptions must include proper credit to my username “Nuktia”. My signature must not be removed from the image.

I retain all rights to the commissioned artwork itself. This includes the right to post it on my social media, portfolio, or other sites and to create merchandise out of it.

If you wish to cancel a commission at any stage before completion, you can request a refund. Polite conversation and mutual agreement is a must for a refund to be considered.

Completed commissions cannot be refunded or changed.

If I have not started on the commission yet when you request a cancellation, I will refund you in full.

If you request a cancellation while the work is in progress, you will receive the unfinished work and will be partially refunded according to the amount of time I spent on it. For example, if you commissioned a headshot character illustration at $50 and I only spent 1 hour on it, you would get a partial refund of $25.

If I determine at any point that I cannot continue working on the commission, I will refund you in full.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you!